(영문) 창원지방법원 통영지원 2015.11.19 2015고단849



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

[2015 Highest849]

1. The crime committed on June 9, 2015;

A. The Defendant in violation of the Road Traffic Act is a person engaging in driving a vehicle with K low-speed.

The Defendant, around 18:55 on June 9, 2015, was driving the said car in Q Q Q at the Rinart parking lot. In such a case, the Defendant, who is engaged in driving of a motor vehicle, had a duty of care to prevent accidents by properly examining the rear side.

Nevertheless, the Defendant did not look at the rear side properly and did not discover the Damp car owned by the victim S, which was parked in that place, and destroyed the Damp car with the repair cost of KRW 578,00,00, such as the exchange of the Domp car, after the head of the Domp car and the head of the Domle part after the head of the Domp car and the head of the Domle part after the head of the Domp car.

B. The Defendant in violation of the Road Traffic Act (Free Driver’s License) and the Guarantee of Automobile Accident Compensation Act is a holder of a vehicle with the high-speed car.

The Defendant, around 18:55 on June 9, 2015, was above the Defendant.

From the place of the port to the Do, the vehicle owned by the defendant who did not have the mandatory insurance without obtaining the driver's license from the place of the port to the Do.

2. The Defendant committed the crime of August 17, 2015 is a holder of the K highest car.

On August 17, 2015, from around 18:00 to 21:00 of the same day, the Defendant driven the above low-speed car owned by the Defendant, which was not covered by mandatory insurance, without obtaining a driver’s license from around 10km section from the 10km mnifbbbbing fry in the southyang-si, Namyang-si, Namyang-si, a city from the front day of the 18:00 to the 21:00 of the same day.

[2015 Height991]

3. The Defendant committed on June 29, 2015 is a person engaging in driving a U Ecoo vehicle.

Defendant on June 29, 2015, around 19:30.