1. Of the judgment of the court of first instance, the part against the defendant exceeding the amount ordered to be paid below shall be revoked.
1. The reasoning of the judgment of the court of first instance cited the same reasoning as the reasoning of the judgment of the court of first instance, except for any modification or addition as follows. Thus, it is acceptable to accept it as it is by the main sentence of Article 420 of the Civil Procedure
2. From 12 pages 3 to 14 pages 9 of the judgment of the court of first instance, the amendment or addition is as follows.
“2) Industrial accident compensation insurance fees, employment insurance premiums, national health insurance premiums, long-term care insurance premiums for the elderly, and national pension premiums for the elderly), other than the Defendant’s assertion, were paid for industrial accident compensation insurance fees and employment insurance premiums, and the Plaintiff actually paid national health insurance premiums, long-term care insurance premiums for the elderly, and national pension premiums (hereinafter
)를 지급하였음을 확인할 수 없으므로, 이에 대한 금액을 이 사건 하도급공사 대금에서 감액하여야 한다. 나) 판단 (1) 관련법령 ▣ 건설산업기본법 제22조(건설공사에 관한 도급계약의 원칙) ⑦ 건설공사 도급계약의 당사자는 「고용보험 및 산업재해보상보험의 보험료징수 등에 관한 법률」에 따른 보험료, 「국민연금법」에 따른 국민연금보험료, 「국민건강보험법」에 따른 건강보험료, 「노인장기요양보험법」에 따른 노인장기요양보험료 등 그 건설공사와 관련하여 건설업자가 의무적으로 부담하여야 하는 비용의 금액을 대통령령으로 정하는 바에 따라 그 건설공사의 도급금액 산출내역서(하도급금액 산출내역서를 포함한다)에 분명하게 적어야 한다.
In such cases, where the amount entered in the statement of calculation of the contract amount of the relevant construction works exceeds the insurance premiums actually paid, matters concerning such adjustment shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
▣ 건설산업기본법 시행령 제26조의2(보험료 등의 비용 명시 및 정산) ① 건설공사의 도급계약 당사자는 법 제22조제7항에 따른 보험료 등의...