(영문) 수원지방법원평택지원 2017.07.21 2017가단112



1. The defendant shall start on July 13, 2002 against the plaintiff A, KRW 40,749,756, the plaintiff B and C respectively, and each of the above amounts. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 17507, Jul. 13, 2002>


1. Basic facts

A. At around 24:00 on July 13, 2002, the Defendant: (a) while drinking a name-free person and drinking at the F entertainment tavern room located in Pyeongtaek-si E; (b) the Plaintiff, as an entertainment drinking club sponsor, was under the influence of alcohol, was locked out of the room room without any understanding by the Defendant, etc.; (c) the Plaintiff, as an entertainment drinking club sponsor; and (d) interesting sponsoring out of the waiting room without any understanding by the Defendant, etc.; and (d) the Plaintiff’s behavior was followed by the Plaintiff, but the Plaintiff’s behavior was frightened to the effect that the Plaintiff was erroneous for the Defendant; (d) at the time, the Defendant was faced with the glass cup, and caused the Plaintiff’s injury to the Defendant, etc., and (e) the Plaintiff’s injury to the Plaintiff’s spat and the spator and the spatch part, and (e) the Plaintiff’s injury to the inside.

B. Plaintiff A, and Plaintiff B and C, their parents, filed a lawsuit against the Defendant for damages claim amounting to KRW 2005Gahap284, which was final and conclusive as stated in the purport of the claim.

C. However, even after the final and conclusive judgment, the Defendant did not fully pay the judgment amount, and the Plaintiffs did not perform compulsory execution up to now since there was no property that is responsible for compulsory execution to the Defendant. Since the ten-year prescription period of the judgment was expired on March 1, 2017, the Plaintiffs filed the instant lawsuit for the extension of prescription.

【Reasons for Recognition】 Entry of Evidence No. 1, and the purport of the whole pleadings

2. According to the facts based on the determination as to the cause of the claim, the Defendant was delegated by Article 3(1) of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Promotion, etc. of Legal Proceedings from the following day to September 30, 2015 to the date of full payment, and was amended by Presidential Decree No. 26553, Sept. 25, 2015 by Presidential Decree No. 26553, Oct. 1, 2015.