(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.01.09 2014고합1158




A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for a year and six months, by imprisonment with prison labor for a year, and by imprisonment with prison labor for a period of ten months.


Punishment of the crime

[Status of Defendant A] The Head of Democratic Labor-Management Federation (hereinafter referred to as “Private Relations”); Defendant B is the head of the Labor-Management J branch; Defendant C is the member of the Labor-Management Association; and Defendant C is the member of the Labor-Management Association.

【Criminal Facts】 Defendants were those who operated an illegal street store without obtaining permission from the Gangnam-gu Office in Gangnam-gu, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, for the occupation and use of the road in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, and have joined the public labor training and have been organized against the imposition of fines for negligence by Gangnam-gu and the issuance of a map and the removal of street stores.

1. 2013. 2. 26.자 공무집행방해(피고인 A, B) 피고인들은 2013. 2. 26. 15:00경 서울 강남구 K에 있는 L 상점 앞길에서, 계란빵집, 떡볶이집, 타로점집 등 불법노점 철거 대집행을 하러 나온 강남구청 건설관리과 가로정비팀 소속 공무원 M 등 7명과 용역원 26명을 상대로 N 등 민노련 회원 약 30여 명과 함께 몰려들어 마구 욕설을 퍼부으며 용역원들의 멱살을 잡아 흔들고, 이름을 알 수 없는 민노련 회원은 용역원 O의 얼굴에 휘발유를 뿌리며, 피고인 B은 철거중인 손수레를 잡아끌고, 피고인 A는 단속차량인 P 화물차 밑으로 기어들어가 운행을 하지 못하게 하였다.

As a result, the Defendants conspired with about 30 members of the above N, etc., and interfered with legitimate execution of duties concerning the construction management of the Gangnam-gu Office and the crackdown on the occupation of public officials belonging thereto.

2. On February 27, 2013, the Defendants of the obstruction of performance of official duties (Defendant A and B) spreaded around 15:30 on February 27, 2013, the construction and management of the Gangnam-gu Office and about 7 public officials, etc. belonging to the street maintenance team, and about 26 service personnel from the construction and management of the street maintenance team and about 30 members of the street maintenance team and 26 members of the service personnel. The Defendants led the service personnel to sphere the bridges of the bridge, and led the damaged handets.

As a result, the Defendants are public-private partnership, such as the N.