(영문) 울산지방법원 2016.08.18 2016고단1212



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

Seized evidence Nos. 1 to 33, 37-42 shall be confiscated from the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

The telephone finance fraud organization has established a domestic or foreign call center to collect other person's personal information in order to commit the act of loan fraud, and has the victims transfer money under the pretext of loan expense, etc. to the large-scale passbook that has already been recruited by the financial institution, by misrepresenting the financial institution, and then has the victims transfer money to the large-scale passbook that has already been recruited, and the crime is committed by the organization that withdraws it, the call center that instructs the public offering and withdrawal of the large-scale passbook, the management book that manages the public offering and withdrawal of the large-scale passbook, the management book that manages the large-scale passbook, the sale book of the large-scale passbook, the delivery book of the large-scale passbook, and the withdrawal book that withdraws the amount of damage.

Among the members of the credit finance fraud mediation companies in name, the invitation books of the large-scale bankbooks among the members of the large-scale telephone finance companies are phone calls to many unspecified persons, and the account is needed to reduce and exempt the tax amount of the credit finance company.

One account lending shall be 1.5 million won per account.

’ 고 거짓말하여 불특정 다수의 사람들 로 하여금 통장 및 체크카드를 동대구 고속 터미널에 송부하게 하고, 피고인은 2016. 3. 28. 경 중국의 스마트 폰 채팅 어 플 리 케이 션 위 쳇 메신저를 통해 성명 불상 전화금융 사기 조직원( 위 쳇 닉네임: D)으로부터 대포 통장 및 체크카드가 들어 있는 택배가 동대구 고속버스 터미널 등에 도착했다는 연락을 받고 퀵 서비스 업체에 전화를 걸어 위 택배를 찾아 피고인의 주거지 인근에 있는 E 앞으로 배송해 달라고 한 후 퀵 서비스로부터 대포 통장 등을 전달 받고, 그것을 성명 불상 현금 인출 책들에게 전달하여 위 대포 통장에 입금된 피해 금원을 인출하게 하는 역할을 담당하기로 순차로 모의하였다.

1. On April 18, 2016, the Defendant violated the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, and the Defendant assumes the team leader of the G Co., Ltd. with telephone calls from F around April 18, 2016, and accounts need to be opened to obtain tax reduction or exemption.

(2) An account;