(영문) 울산지방법원 2017.07.12 2015가합22041



1. The Defendant’s rehabilitation debtor A’s claim for the lease deposit is filed with the Ulsan District Court 2015 tea 2318.


A. The lessor’s signature and seal is affixed to the lessor at the bottom of the lease contract of this case, and the lessee’s seal is affixed to the lessee’s column.

(A) Indication of the immovables in the lease contract: The lease deposit for the lease of the property in question shall be the following, subject to the agreement between the lessor and the lessee of the property in Article 1 of the 200 million won (200,000,000). In the lease of the above property in Article 2, the lessee shall pay the lease deposit for the lease (2) as follows:

(b)The intermediate payments and any balance: The down payment shall be paid 0 million won, 3/30 million won, and 3/60 billion won, at the time of the contract.

Article 3 The name map of the above real estate shall be March 6, 2015

(b) the lease period of Article 4 is as of March 31, 2016.

Deposit account: The other parts of the loan contract of Busan Bank GH are printed in the same vice language, but the deposit account is written in the form of revenue.

H, the holder of the deposit account, is F's child involved in the process of concluding the instant lease contract.

* Special Agreement:

1. A pharmacy establishment permission shall be automatically destroyed, and a down payment shall be returned to the lessee within ten days;

7. As for the repair and interior of pharmacies (cleaning, furniture, etc.), it shall be resolved on the side of a hospital to ensure that it does not interfere with the opening of March 10, 2015;

9. With respect to deposit for lease, the current hospital head and F shall guarantee the deposit jointly and severally;

February 20, 2015

The Defendant transferred KRW 200,000,000 to the account designated by F, who participated in the process of concluding the instant lease agreement, on four occasions as follows. The Defendant transferred KRW 50,000,000 in the instant lease agreement to the account opened on February 24, 2015, the amount of remittance of KRW 50,000,000 in the instant lease agreement. The Defendant: (a) on March 3, 2015, KRW 30,000 in the H account under the name of H (Resan Bank G) 20,000,000 on March 3, 2015, KRW 30,000 in KRW 30,00 in the instant lease agreement (resan Bank G) and KRW 10,000,000 in the name of H bank (resan Bank G) G 10,000,000 in KRW 10,00 in the instant lease agreement.