(영문) 창원지방법원 2020.02.20 2018가단15010



1. The instant lawsuit shall be dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. On May 30, 2010, the Plaintiff enacted the rules for the association to conduct the business of the protection and removal of graves from the joint ancestor on May 30, 2010. On January 6, 2014, the Plaintiff obtained the approval of the organization deemed a corporation under the Framework Act on National Taxes by setting the location of the principal office as “Gimhae City C”. (2) Around December 16, 1997, the Defendant, as D’s children, received each real estate (hereinafter “each of the instant real estate”) as gifted from D and completed the registration of ownership transfer.

B. 1) The relation between the transfer of real estate and E 30,942 square meters has become the registration of ownership transfer in the name of G. G. The registration of ownership transfer was made on June 26, 1970 to D on the ground of sale and purchase on March 28, 1959. The registration of ownership transfer was made on the ground of sale and purchase on January 17, 1984, and the registration of ownership transfer was made on March 17, 1984 on the remainder of D shares on March 11, 1985 on the ground of sale and purchase on March 11, 1985, on March 16, 1985, on which the registration of ownership transfer was made on March 16, 1987 on the ground of ownership transfer on June 19, 197, the list of shares in D 30,942, and on May 16, 1985.

3 The real estate listed in the attached list No. 3 was registered as a preservation of ownership on December 16, 1997, and the registration of ownership transfer was made on December 16, 1997 on December 16, 1997.

C. On September 16, 2018, the Plaintiff passed a resolution to terminate the title trust with 15 members gathered in the door-to-door conference room, each of the instant real estate.
