(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2017.11.01 2017고단4047



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for not more than ten months.


Punishment of the crime

The telephone financial fraud organization (hereinafter “Sscaming organization”) is an organization that receives money from many unspecified victims under the name of allowing them to get a loan by telephone, etc. and then commits a crime by withdrawing it. It is operated in the form of an organization, such as using a call to many unspecified victims, referring to a call center, referring to a solicitation of passbooks to be used for committing a crime, referring to a solicitation of passbooks, referring to a withdrawal of money deposited in the passbooks, and referring to a surveillance protocol to monitor the withdrawal and remittance of money deposited in the passbooks, referring to a “scamphone,” and referring to a “scamphone,” a “scam,” a “scam,” a “scam,” a “scam,” a “scam,” and a “scam,” a “scam,” which are difficult to trace by an investigative agency in preparation for arrest.

On September 5, 2017, the Defendant received a proposal from the head of the Si/Gun/Gu (hereinafter “C team leader”) to the effect that “on receipt of money from him/her to the account designated by him/her, he/she will pay 1% of the remittance amount and expenses if he/she transfers the money.” In response to the proposal, the Defendant, despite being aware of the fact that the money which the Defendant would receive and deliver to him/her is the money which the victims would have to deposit, was to take charge of the remittance of money from the book under the direction of the “C team leader,” and then, from September 6, 2017 to receive money from the victims under the direction of the said “C team leader,” he/she acquired the money from the victims around September 14, 2017 as follows: < Amended by Act No. 14838, Sep. 14, 2017>

1. On September 14, 2017, when the victim D calls to the victim D on September 14, 2017, and calls to the victim D for a misrepresentation of KB National Bank staff, and then “mail”.