(영문) 대전지방법원 2014.12.11 2014노1662




The appeal is dismissed.


The summary of the grounds for appeal (e.g., punishment of a fine of three million won) is too unreasonable.


It is reasonable to take into account the following circumstances: (a) the Defendant led to the confession of the instant crime and reflects his mistake in depth; (b) the Defendant appears to have committed the instant crime because he did not refuse it upon the request from an applicant I; and (c) the Defendant was sentenced once to a fine due to the violation of the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Settlement of Traffic Accidents, and there

The crime of this case is the head of G Center, who has been in charge of guiding the field training of social welfare, which is an essential subject for acquiring the qualification certificate of social workers, and 80,000 won, upon receiving a false request from the branch to issue the certificate of field training as if he actually conducted the field training for 120 hours, and actually issued the certificate of field training to many people, thereby having them acquire the qualification certificate of social workers. In addition, it is necessary to strictly punish the defendant in that it has avoided the purpose of the Social Welfare Act that provides for the issuance of the certificate of social workers only for those who have completed the training as well as theoretical education, and damaged the trust in the affairs of issuing the certificate of social workers. Even if the defendant was sentenced to a fine exceeding 1,00,000 won due to the crime of this case, even if the defendant suffers any disadvantage that is unable to become workers of social welfare foundation or facilities for five years from the date of the final judgment, this is de facto to impose temporary punishment on those who have committed a specific crime related to social welfare affairs.