(영문) 특허법원 2015.05.21 2015허2075



1. All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of the lawsuit include the costs incurred by the supplementary participation.


1. Basic facts

(a) E-1 of the patented invention of this case and prior inventions of this case: Albine-1-dib.1-dib.1-dib.3 of Alb.1-dib.1-dib.3 of Alb.1-dib.1-dib.3 of Alb.6 of the patented invention of this case (hereinafter the same shall apply)] / the filing date of the documents under Article 203 of the Patent Act// the filing date/registration number of the invention: 11-dib.1-dib.3 of Alb.1-dib.1 of Alb.1-dib.3 of Alb.6 of the patented invention of this case (hereinafter referred to as Alb.1-3 of the patented invention of this case); 【Nb.1-dib.1-dib.1 of the patented invention of this case (hereinafter referred to as "Nb.1-dib.1-dib.1-dib.1-dib.1-dib.-1 of the 1997】

6) Major contents: as shown in Appendix 1. (b) Prior Invention (Evidence A 9) published in 1994 (A et al., 3 others and 3) experimentals of the thesis published in 1994.
