(영문) 광주지방법원 2016.02.04 2016고단24



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, from January 201 to August 2013, operated D Co., Ltd., a business of arranging travel from Gwangju Mine-gu C208.

1. The Defendant committed a crime against 18 persons, including victims E, etc., against the victim E, who is the chairperson of a group of friendship gathering “F” at the office of the above travel agency around April 2013. < Amended by Act No. 11904, Aug. 14, 2013>

8. Until August 18, 198, the term “to send a trip of 25,320,000 won to Vietnam for a certain period of 3 gambling 5 days.”

However, the defendant did not have any intention or ability to arrange Vietnam travel to victims, even if he received travel expenses from the victims, because there is no fund for the operation of the travel company at that time, the defendant used the money from the travel contractors as business expenses of the company.

Nevertheless, through the victim E, the defendant shall make the above false statements, and through the victim E, the defendant shall have the D Gwangju Bank account as of April 30, 2013, 200,000 won, for travel expenses from the victims.,000 won;


5. 4,860,000 won;

6. The Defendant received respectively remittance of KRW 25,320,000 from each other (the amount of damage by victim shall be the same as the second one of the crime table 1 (F)). 2. Around July 2013, the Defendant, who committed the crime against 16 persons, including the victim G, will send to the victim G, who is the chairperson of the group of friendship gathering “H” at the above travel agency office, for 4 hours from November 14, 2013 to November 18, 201.

The down payment was 12,00,000 won.

However, the defendant did not have any intention or ability to arrange the travel to victims, even if he received the travel expenses from the victims, because there is no fund for the operation of the travel agency at that time, the defendant used the money from the travel contractors as the business expenses of the company.

Nevertheless, the defendant, through the victim G, makes the above false statements, and through which it belongs, he/she shall be the D Gwangju Bank account Co., Ltd. as a travel security deposit from the victims. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24680,