(영문) 울산지방법원 2015.04.07 2014가단29161

상린관계상 시설권수인청구


1. The Defendant is necessary for the Ulsan-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City D, Ulsan-gu, 137 square meters owned by the Plaintiff with respect to the area of 76 square meters of the road in Ulsan-gu.


In full view of the facts that there is no dispute between the parties, and the purport of the entire argument in the statement in Gap evidence Nos. 1 through 4, the defendant is the owner of Ulsan-gu C road and the plaintiff is the owner of Ulsan-gu D road with a size of 76 square meters. The plaintiff is the owner of Ulsan-gu D road with a size of 137 square meters. The above land owned by the defendant is the only contribution to the land owned by the plaintiff, and the plaintiff entered into a construction contract with Eul around October 7, 2014.

According to the facts of recognition, since the land owned by the Defendant was the only contribution to the land owned by the Plaintiff, the Plaintiff has the right to gas pipes under Article 218(1) of the Civil Act as to the land owned by the Defendant, and the Defendant has the duty to authorize the installation of facilities for passing through the

The plaintiff's claim is justified and accepted.