(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2015.10.28 2015고단1346



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

[2015 Highest 1346]

1. On October 17, 2014, the Defendant made a false statement to the victim E at the Defendant’s office located in Seocheon-gu, Seocheon-gu, Seocheon-gu, Seocheon-gu, D2, 2014, stating, “If he/she has received an order to manufacture the bus, he/she shall first pay 10 million won out of the original contract deposit, and if he/she has received the goods in the first share, he/she shall pay 20 million won in order from the next week to the second week.”

However, the defendant did not have the intention or ability to pay the original payment even if he was supplied with the original payment from the victim.

Around October 17, 2014, the Defendant received from the victim 25,547,50 clocks equivalent to the market price of KRW 25,500 from the victim.

Accordingly, the defendant was given property by deceiving the victim.

2. On October 25, 2014, around October 25, 2014, the defrauded made a false statement that “The Defendant would pay the victim E in lump sum the amount of the contribution that has not been paid up to the payment.” At the same time, the Defendant supplied ITY original 3441 amps until November 4, 2014.”

However, the defendant did not have the intention or ability to pay the original payment even if he was supplied with the original payment from the victim.

The Defendant was supplied with ITY 3441 Y 3,441 Y from the victim's 4,428,567 won on the same day.

Accordingly, the defendant was given property by deceiving the victim.

[2015 Godan1568] On August 28, 2014, the Defendant was lacking money in order to purchase G and H multi-family house to the victim F in the mutual infinite office near the 69-ro Dom-ro 69 located in the Geumju-si, Pinju-si.

If a loan of KRW 10 million is lent, the balance shall be paid immediately after the establishment of the right to collateral security on real estate to the U.S. Trade Co., Ltd., which is a customer within the country, and the amount of KRW 100 million shall be paid and the remainder shall be paid one week thereafter.