(영문) 수원지방법원 2018.09.18 2017가단31247



1. On May 25, 2016, the Plaintiff (Counterclaim Defendant) against the Defendant (Counterclaim Plaintiff) regarding the real estate list No. 1 as indicated in attached Form 1.


(2) As to the Plaintiff’s repayment of the principal and interest of the loan to the Defendant, the calculation of the principal and interest of the loan to the Defendant is as follows: (a) KRW 146,098,600 on October 31, 2017, and KRW 58,560,056 on November 21, 2017, and KRW 58,560,056 on November 21, 2017.

충당액 계 산 표 사건번호 : 2017가단31247 (변제충당) 충당구분 : 법정충당 채권 정보 채권명 채권발생일 채권액(원) 이행기 최초 기산일 연 이율(%) 적용시기 적용 법규 1번대여 2015.12.01 100,000,000원 2016.05.01 2015.12.01 14.40 25.00 2015.12.01 2016.02.02 이자제한법 2번대여 2016.05.25 20,000,000원 2016.11.24 2016.05.25 14.40 25.00 2016.05.25 2016.08.02 이자제한법 3번대여 2017.06.28 50,000,000원 2017.10.28 2017.06.28 12.00 25.00 2017.06.28 2017.08.28 이자제한법 충당 정보 변제일 변제액 원금(원) 적용 이율(%) 시작일 종료일 발생 이자 이자 누적액 충당 순위 이자 충당 원금 충당 원금 잔액 이자 잔액 2017.10.31 146,098,600원 100,000,000 20,000,000 50,000,000 *25.00 *25.00 *25.00 2015.12.01 2016.05.25 2017.06.28 2017.10.31 2017.10.31 2017.10.31 46,108,825 6,791,013 3,228,767 46,108,825 6,791,013 3,228,767 1 2 3 46,108,825 6,791,013 3,228,767 89,969,995 0 0 10,030,005 20,000,000 50,000,000 0 0 0 2017.11.21 58,560,056원 10,030,005 20,000,000 50,000,000 25.00 25.00 25.00 2017.11.01 2017.11.01 2017.11.01 2017.11.21 2017.11.21 2017.11.21 144,267 287,671 719,178 144,267 287,671 719,178 1 2 3 144,267 287,671 719,178 10,030,005 20,000,000 27,378,935 0 0 22,621,065 0 0 0 발생이자 계산근거 변제일 계산 근거 2017.10.31 100,000,000×{0.144×(63÷366) 0.25×(1 272÷365)}【2015.12.01~2016.02.01(14.4%),2016.02.02~2017.10.31(25%)】 20,000,000×{0.144×(69÷365) 0.25×(1 91÷365)}【2016.05.25~2016.08.01(14.4%),2016.08.02~2017.10.31(25%)】 50,000,000×{0.12×(61÷365) 0.25×(65÷365)}【2017.06.28~2017.08.27(12%),2017.08.28~2017.10.31(25%)】 2017.11.21 10,030,005×{0.25×(21÷365)}【2017.11.01~2017.11.21(25%)】 20,000,000×{0.25×(21÷365)} 2017.11.01~2017.11...
