(영문) 부산지방법원 2018.05.25 2018고합89



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for seven years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete a sexual assault treatment program for 80 hours.


Criminal facts

around 07:00 on February 12, 2018, the Defendant d (n, 65 years of age) operated by the victim D (n, f5 years of age) located in Busan East-gu C, and dump with the victim dump, and dump with the victim.

1. During the forced indecent act, the Defendant committed an indecent act by force against the victim by moving the victim’s side at the above time and place, bringing the wall to the lower part of the victim’s neck by hand with a pipe, and by inserting the pipe to the left part of the victim’s spons, making the sponse into the victim’s face with the victim’s hand, and making the sponse into the victim’s face with the victim’s face-to-face under the influence of liquor.

2. The defendant who attempted to commit rape in special robbery, as described in paragraph (1) above, did not engage in any forced indecent act any longer due to the victim who was missing while he/she forced the victim to engage in such indecent act while he/she was involved in the indecent act.

She back to the face of the damaged person: while the injured person once frightening with the injured person trying to make him/her correct the above act, he/she gets off the injured person's panty or panty, she was suffering from the injured person by her hand, she was out of the injured person's inner part, she was fright, she was frightd, she was frightd by the injured person's upper part, she was frightd by her chest, she was frightd by the injured person's breast part, she was frightd in the drafting of the damaged person, she was frightd by she was frightd, she was frightd with the injured person's inner part, and she was frightd with the upper part (Evidence 2), she was frighted by putting him/her over the part of the injured person's inner part, she was frightd with the second part of the injured person's inner part (this part).

In the words "the victim's resistance".