(영문) 광주지방법원 목포지원 2012.11.01 2012고단959



1. Defendant A

(a) Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months and a fine of six million won;

B. The above fine is imposed on the defendant.


Punishment of the crime


A is a public official of Grade VII belonging to the Newanan Military Office who works in the construction disaster management and sewerage systems from February 15, 2008 to August 6, 2009; from August 7, 2009 to January 14, 2010; from January 15, 2010 to December 22, 2010; and is a person who supervised the construction of facilities ordered by the Newan Military Government while working in the water supply and sewerage systems and sewerage systems; and the Defendant B is a person who subcontracted the construction of facilities from F (N) who is a supplier of the "EE Rural Village Sewerage Maintenance Works" ordered by the Newan Military.

1. Defendant A - The acceptance of bribe

A. On or around June 23, 2009, the Defendant received KRW 2 million from H to the account in the name of K used by the Defendant on the same day, requesting for the payment of KRW 2 million in return for the convenience of the construction to H, who is the actual operator of the construction execution business (from May 21, 2009 to August 19, 2009) under the “I Sports Park Construction Project” (the construction work period) that was ordered by the new Gun at a non-permanent place.

Accordingly, the defendant accepted a bribe of 2 million won in relation to the public official's duties.

B. On November 19, 2009, the Defendant of acceptance of a bribe of KRW 4 million against B requested 4 million to the account in the name of the said K to be transferred KRW 4 million from B on the same day on the same day. The Defendant demanded that (i) the subcontractor of the “E rural Village Sewerage Maintenance Work” (from September 14, 2008 to June 4, 2010) ordered by the Newanan-gun located in a non-permanent location (hereinafter “E rural Village Maintenance Work”).

Accordingly, the defendant accepted a bribe of 4 million won in relation to the public official's duties.

2. Defendant B - The Defendant of the offering of a bribe at the time of November 19, 209, above 1-B.

As such, A delivered 4 million won to A and offered a bribe in relation to the public official's duties.

Summary of Evidence

1. The Defendants’ respective legal statements

1. The part of the witness H’s legal statement (defendant A) and the part of the witness A’s partial statement in the second protocol of trial.