(영문) 대구지방법원 포항지원 2020.05.06 2019고단1643




A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for ten months.


A 500,000 won shall be additionally collected from A.


A above.


The guilty portion (Defendant A) criminal financial fraud organization (hereinafter “scaming organization”) is an organization that committed the so-called scaming fraud crime under the Act by misrepresenting financial institutions, etc. against many unspecified persons while operating a call center in a foreign country including China. It is operated in the form of an organization that takes part in the role of: (a) the so-called scaming fraud crime under the Act by deceiving an unspecified number of victims by telephone, etc. to commit the crime; (b) the solicitation of an unspecified number of victims by means of telephone, etc.; (c) the solicitation of a passbook to be used for committing the crime; (d) the withdrawal of cash deposited in the facebook or collecting and delivering money to the victims by withdrawing the cash deposited in the facebook; (e) the collection book and remittance book; and (e) the “total liability” planning


A around September 2019, at a closed place in Seoul (hereinafter referred to as Seoul) around 2019, the job descriptions of C’D’ in the newspaper were reported to and contacted with the singishing staff (E), and agreed to receive an allowance in return for the “transfer of a passbook without cash,” and received cash from the victims according to the instructions of the above, and then took charge of the role of remitting the passbook to the account designated by the winners of the name-free deposits.

On October 7, 2019, at a place where it is impossible to know about 11:41, 201, the person under whose name was responsible for the incentive for the Bosing Organization: (a) introduced himself as “G employee H by telephone to the victim F; and (b) sought from the victim whether there was a loan to the victim; and (c) sought from the victim that there was a loan of KRW 1,2950,000,00 from the victim, he would substitute for the existing loan because the low interest rate product was released as the government-funded product; (d) by implementing a substitute loan, he would have repaid the loan of KRW 1,2950,00 to the employee under charge of I; and (e) the victim called “J” that the victim informed the person under whose name was the victim.