(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2020.01.30 2019고단4128



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

The defendant is an injury amounting to KRW 20 million to D who is an applicant for compensation.


Punishment of the crime

"2019 Highest 4128"

1. On May 3, 2019, the Defendant, in the name of the purchase price of merchandise coupons, posted a notice on the reservation sale of merchandise coupons in F Kafbook at a place where it is impossible to identify the place, and reported and contacted the notice to the victim E, who sent approximately 75% price of the fixed price of merchandise coupons, such as the new world, to the victim E, who received and supplied merchandise coupons from the customer after one month.

However, in fact, the Defendant attempted to get profits by purchasing merchandise coupons at a price lower than the above FF car page from the customer who sells merchandise coupons, but had been in contact with the said customer. At the time, there was a number of fraudulent cases related to merchandise coupons in the above car page, and there was no way to seek merchandise coupons more than the amount received from the victim in the situation where the sales of merchandise coupons in the above car page was prohibited, and the Defendant thought that the above merchandise coupon sales amount was used as money in the illegal private sports earth site and did not have an intent or ability to supply merchandise coupons normally even if it was paid by the victim.

Nevertheless, as seen earlier, the Defendant, as between May 3, 2019 and July 19, 2019, received KRW 225,868,000, in total, from the G Bank in the name of the Defendant and the enterprise bank account for gift certificates for 37 occasions, as indicated in the list of crimes, from the victims.

2. On October 25, 2019, the Defendant made a false statement that “Around October 25, 2019, the Defendant would send LG V50 cell phoness to the victim H, who posted a mobile phone sales text to F car page at a place where the location is unknown.”

However, the above money is transferred when the defendant received a large amount of money under the name of the purchase price of merchandise coupons, such as the above.