(영문) 수원지방법원여주지원 2016.06.02 2014가합2432



1. The defendant,

A. Of the 3,693 square meters of K forest land and 1. Map No. 68, 69, 70, 71, and 68 shall apply to the Plaintiff A.


1. Basic facts

가. 피고의 별지 목록 기재 각 토지와 그 지상 건물들의 소유 관계 및 위 건물들에 대한 관습법상 법정지상권 관련소송 등 (1) 피고는 1983. 3. 28. 별지 목록 기재 각 토지(이하 이를 통틀어 지칭할 때는 ‘이 사건 각 토지’라고 하고, 개개의 토지를 지칭할 때는 순번에 따라 ‘이 사건 제 토지’라고 한다)의 소유권을 취득하였고, 1984. 2. 8. 이전부터 이 사건 각 토지 지상에 건축된 건물들[별지3. 도면의 (가), (다), (사), (아), (자), (카), (퍄), (햐), (너), (더), (러), (머), (버), (어), (저), (처), (커), (퍼), (허), (겨), (녀), (뎌), (며), (벼), (셔), (여), (쳐), (켜), (펴), (혀), (차), (타), (파), (갸), (냐), (하), (댜), (랴), (먀), (뱌), (쟈), (탸), (캬), (챠)항 건물들이다. 이하 위 건물들을 통틀어 지칭할 때는 ‘이 사건 구건물’이라고 한다]을 소유하고 있었다.

(2) An advanced company, which was a mortgagee of each of the instant lands, filed an application for voluntary auction on August 26, 2002 for each of the instant lands. The auction procedure completed the registration of ownership transfer on May 9, 2003, after S awarded a successful bid for each of the instant lands.

(3) At the court 2003da4640, S filed a lawsuit against the Defendant seeking rent under the legal superficies under customary law or unjust enrichment from the date of the removal of the building of this case, the delivery of the part of the land used as the site for the building of this case among each land of this case, and the delivery of the above part of the land.

However, on June 10, 2004, this Court dismissed S’s removal of the building and its claim for the delivery of land on the ground that the Defendant acquired legal superficies under the customary law for the possession of the building of this case on each of the instant land, and only returned unjust enrichment due to the Defendant’s duty to pay the land rent or the possession of the land under the customary law.