(영문) 전주지방법원군산지원 2020.06.16 2019가단2327



1. The plaintiff shall sell 4,579 square meters of forest E in Gunsan-si to an auction and deduct the auction expenses from the price.


The Plaintiff and the Defendants owned 4,579 square meters of forest E, Si, Gunsan-si (hereinafter “instant land”) in proportion to 1/3, respectively. In light of this, it is deemed reasonable to fairly and fairly distribute the remaining amount calculated by deducting the auction expenses from the proceeds of the auction to the Plaintiff and the Defendants by the proportion of shares, even though the consultation on the division was held in several ways prior to and after the proceedings, there was no agreement on the division due to the difference in the consultation method. In particular, while the Plaintiff wanting the auction division, the Plaintiff did not have any dispute between the parties, or did not attend any one time at the date of pleading or the date of mediation, even though the Plaintiff did not wish to divide the land in kind by the spot or full-value compensation, and did not have any dispute between the parties, or in full view of the purport of the entire pleadings in each of subparagraphs 1, 2, 4-1, and 2.

Therefore, this case's land is sold by auction and the price is divided. It is so decided as per Disposition.