1. All of the plaintiffs' lawsuits against the defendants are dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.
In light of the above legal principles, the employer members of the Defendant Corporation and the instant employee members of the instant labor-management consultation on October 17, 2014 (hereinafter “this case’s labor-management consultation”). Plaintiff B, as the chairperson of the Plaintiff Union on November 6, 2014, requested the Defendant Corporation to submit data on the “the number of the employee members of the instant labor-management council for the last three years” and “number of the employees of the Defendant Corporation,” as the chairperson of the Plaintiff Union, as the result of the Plaintiff’s request for data on the “number of employees of the instant labor-management council for the last three years” and “number of employees and employees of the Defendant Corporation” as of October 1, 2014. The Defendant Corporation sent the following answers to the number of employees and employees of the Defendant Corporation as of October 1, 2014.
D - Number of executives and employees - 4,662 (as of October 1, 200), 9 executive organs (one president, one vice president, one vice president, six chief director), 4,653 general service, 4,653 head of the center* 56 head of the center, 56 director general, 199 head of the division, 3,98 head of the group 458 (147 head of the regional office, 31 head of the headquarters), 3,936 staff - 524 other 524 annual salary contract, 191 staff, 58 personnel management personnel, 53, 67, 53, 53, 53, 54, 54, 34, 31, 31, 24, 31, 24, 11 of foreign language personnel.
끝. 바) 피고 공사의 직원 인사관리 등에 관한 규정은 다음과 같다. ▣ 피고 공사의 인사규정 제3조(용어의 정의) 이 규정에서 사용하는 용어의 정의는 다음과 같다. 1. ‘직위’라 함은 1인의 직원에게 부여할 수 있는 직무와 책임을 말한다. 6. ‘부서장’이라 함은 직제규정 제15조에 규정한 책임자를 말한다. 제4조(직원) ① 공사의 직원은 일반직촉탁직으로 구분한다. 제4조의 2(직원의 직급, 호봉, 기준급 ① 직원의 직급은 별표 1과 같다.
(2) A salary class shall be granted to employees of class 2 or below, and a salary class shall be granted.