1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.
... 원고는 이 사건 공동도급약정에 따라 단독으로 이 사건 공사 8차분을◎ 이 사건 공동도급약정 제1조(목적) 본 운영약정서는 화성시 상하수도사업소에서 발주한 “C지구 하수관거 정비공사”(이하 공사라 칭함)를 피고 대표이사 F(이하 “B”이라 칭함)와 원고 대표이사 G(이하 “A”이라 칭함)은 공사수행을 위해 아래와 같이 약정한다.
(3) Scope of delegation execution (B= 13 times in general: Details of delegation execution of construction works equivalent to 62.5% of the Defendant’s equity interest out of the increased amount at the time of the 14th revision (including actual information, bid price difference, construction cost, etc.) in general (excluding the completion quantity from the 1st to 7th amendment) among the eight contract amounts following the completion of the 7th quarter - In general, the details of delegation execution of construction works equivalent to 62.5% of the increased amount.
1. [B] [62.5% of the investment shares in “B” out of the total contract amount due to changes in design (on-site information, bid price difference, construction cost, etc.) for additional design of KRW 321,251,156 on the remaining amount of the 13th comprehensive plan of the 8th general plan = Delegation Execution (B-90%)
2. [“A” 8차분 총괄 13회 변경기준 잔여금액 9,743,844원 추가 설계변경(실정보고, 낙찰차액 공사비 등)으로 인한 총괄 도급금액 중 “A” 출자지분 37.5% ] = A 구분 총괄 13회 기준 (계약금액) 계약금액 비고 7차분까지 8차분 장래분 B 9,160,431,216 8,856,119,060 304,312,156 0 A 10,561,478,784 10,238,734,940 322,743,844 0 합계 19,721,910,000 19,094,854,000 627,056,000 0 ☞ 계약금액(총괄 13회 변경 기준) (VAT포함/단위: 원) 제2조(공사의 시공, 실행율 및 책임과 의무)
2. “B” shall delegate the integrated responsible construction to “A” at the rate of 90.0%, excluding industrial accident insurance premiums, employment insurance premiums, health insurance premiums, pension premiums, retirement pension premiums, and long-term care insurance premiums for the aged, from the value of supply.
Provided, That the fees (such as the performance of the contract, advance payment, defect performance guarantee fee, revenue stamp, bond disposal loss, etc.) incurred by this project shall be borne by the "A".
4.The term “B” is delegated and executed.