A Imprisonment with prison labor for two years and for one year and two months, respectively.
However, this judgment is delivered against Defendant B.
Punishment of the crime
1. The structure of the Singishing crime and the solicitation of the singishing organization are divided into two roles: the Chinese local “ Call Center”, “China’s total liability”, “Korean total liability for withdrawing, remittance, and solicitation of passbooks”, “Korean total liability for withdrawing cash deposited in the passbooks under the direction of the Chinese total responsibility,” “passing the cash deposited in the passbooks”, “transfering cash withdrawn from Korea to China”, “passing the cash deposited in the passbooks”, “passing the cash deposited in Korea”, “passing the cash deposited in China”, and “passing the passbook to be used in committing the crime”, and “passing the passbook to be used in the crime” are operated in the form of a braille in preparation for arrest.
A는 2015. 7.중순경 서울 용산구 한강대로 405에 있는 서울역 인근 식당에서 보이스 피싱 조직원 F(인적사항 불상)으로부터 “인출 및 송금책” 역할을 제안받고, 그때부터 2015. 7.말경까지 F과 함께 모바일 채팅 어플리케이션 ‘위챗’(Wechat)을 이용하여 보이스 피싱 총책 일명 ‘G’(인적사항 불상으로 이하 ‘G’로 기재한다)의 지시를 받아 F이 운전하는 H 뉴아반떼XD 승용차를 타고 다니면서 대포통장 등을 양수하고 이를 이용하여 돈을 인출하거나 다른 계좌로 이체하였다.
After July 2015, F was locked, and Defendant A proposed that “I will give 100,000 won a day on which I would drive a vehicle in Seoul, with the intention of Defendant B’s consent, at the same place below Busan.” The Defendants conspired to serve as “string and remittance” of the Bophishing organization.
2. The co-principal of Defendant A, G, and F.