(영문) 광주지방법원 2018.08.30 2018노648



The prosecutor's appeal is dismissed.


1. According to the reasoning of the appeal in this case, the evidence submitted by the prosecutor is sufficiently recognized that the defendant inflicted an injury by assaulting the victim, such as as stated in the facts charged.

The court below which acquitted the defendant on the ground that there is no proof of the remaining criminal facts rejecting the credibility of the victim's statement, which is a valuable evidence, was erroneous in the misapprehension of facts and affected the conclusion of the judgment.

2. Determination

A. The summary of the facts charged is that the Defendant, around July 21, 2017, 201: (a) boarded the victim C (54 taxes, south 54 taxes) into the D taxi driven by the victim C (54 taxes, south) on or around July 21, 2017; and (b) on the same day, around 22:10, at around 146, 22:10, 201, was under the influence of alcohol, and

"In the end of 'Woo', the victim was injured by the knish and the tension that require approximately two weeks of medical treatment by hand when putting the victim's face part at one time.

B. The direct evidence that corresponds to the facts charged in the instant case is the victim’s statement.

그런 데 피해자는 2017. 7. 21. 경찰에서 자필로 진술서를 작성하면서 ‘ 피고인이 주차장에 도착하여 갑자기 주먹을 휘둘러 왼쪽 턱뼈와 귀를 맞아서 현재 귀가 먹먹하여 잘 들리지 않고 가슴도 맞아서 통증이 있다’ 거나 ‘ 택시에 승차하여 지구대로 이동하는 과정에서 지속적으로 모욕과 폭행을 당했다’ 고 기재하였고( 수사기록 2권 5~6 쪽), 2017. 8. 6. 경찰 조사를 받을 때 ‘ 피고인이 손으로 얼굴과 가슴 부위를 1회 씩 때렸다’ 고 진술하였다( 수사기록 1권 5~6 쪽). 그러나 피해자는 돌연 원심 법정에서는 ‘ 피고인이 거의 동시에 주먹으로 왼쪽 광대뼈 부위를 때리고 발로 가슴 아랫부분을 찼고, 지구대로 이동하는 도중 욕은 몇 마디 한 것 같은데 거의 쓰러져서 자고 의식이 없는 상태였다’ 는 취지로 증언하였다.

(b) the injured party.