(영문) 대전지방법원 홍성지원 2020.04.27 2019고단958



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is the victim B (the age of 49) and the legal couple's death.

1. Crimes committed on June 13, 2019;

A. On June 13, 2019, at around 18:25, the Defendant threatened the Defendant with the common dwelling room of the Defendant and the victim, Hongsung-gun, Hongnam, with a view to being suspected of going out with another woman on the ground of the suspicion that the victim is going out of the room, the Defendant used excessive ( approximately 20cm in total length), which is a dangerous object in the kitchen, and also a dangerous object ( approximately 20cm in total length), and the victim, who was seated with a food route and was able to die in the above section while the victim was reported.”

Accordingly, the defendant carried dangerous objects and threatened the victim.

B. The Defendant, at the above date and place, was suffering from illness, which was a dangerous object on the table, due to the foregoing reasons, to the victim.

In this respect, the defendant carried dangerous objects and assaulted the victim.

C. The Defendant teared the number of clothes using the above excessive nature, which is a dangerous object, where the market price of the victim’s clothes in the above date, at the above location, could not be known.

Accordingly, the defendant carried dangerous objects and damaged the victim's property.

2. Crimes committed on July 7, 2019;

A. On July 7, 2019, the Defendant had been well aware of the market price of the victim’s possession, which is a dangerous object, on the ground that the victim is suspected of having winded with another woman, in the joint residence of the above Defendant and the victim around July 21, 2019.

Accordingly, the defendant carried dangerous objects and damaged the victim's property.

B. The Defendant, at the above date and time and at the above place, dumped with the victim’s bath for the foregoing reasons, and the Defendant dumpeded with the victim who dumped with ebbbbbbb and ebbbbb, and fighting with his body, which was at the same place, was scattered on the floor.