(영문) 울산지방법원 2017.06.21 2015나21462

보험에관한 소송


1. The plaintiff's appeal and the claim extended in the trial are dismissed, respectively.

2. The appeal costs and the claims in the trial.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. On May 27, 2008, the Plaintiff concluded an insurance contract listed in the [Attachment 1] List with the Defendant as the policyholder and the insured (hereinafter “instant insurance contract”).

B. The particulars of the insurance contract that the defendant concluded are as follows:

(순번 제1 내지 14는 이 사건 보험계약 체결 당시 유효한 보험계약 중 당심 변론 종결일까지 해지되지 아니한 것이다). <보험가입 내역표> 순번 보험회사 계약일 상품명 월 보험료(원) 보장내용 1 삼성생명보험 2001.3.9. 신바람건강생활보험 75,800 2 LIG손해보험 2001.11.22. 365암플러스보장Ⅱ 9,810 3 삼성화재보험 2001.11.30. 무배당더블세이프 상해보험 9,100 (2008년당시기준) 4 AIG손해보험 2003.1.5. 알찬질병입원비보험 11,100 입원일당 5 라이나생명 2003.1.7. 무배당암보험순수 보장형 26,440 6 LIG손해보험 2003.4.3. 365암플러스보험Ⅳ 6,580 7 라이나생명보험 2003.5.29. 메디칼플랜순수보장형 27,800 입원일당 8 라이나생명보험 2004.6.5. 무배당암보험순수 보장형2종 7,160 9 AIA생명보험 2004.11.23. AIG원스톱암보험 32,600 10 라이나생명보험 2004.12.25. 무배당건강보험2종 20,540 11 LIG생명보험 2005.9.28. 매직세이프보험 9,950 12 AIA생명보험 2006.4.18. AIG다보장의료보험 45,150 입원일당 13 한화손해보험 2008.5.27. well-driving보험 30,000 입원일당 14 동부화재 2008.5.27. 파워라이프보험 (이 사건 보험계약) 81,000 입원일당 15 차티스보험 2010.1.18. 입원비보험 8,010 입원일당 합계 401,040

C. As indicated in the attached Table 2, the Defendant was hospitalized in a hospital for 1,573 days from February 3, 2009 to July 18, 2016 and received treatment at a total of 68 times. Under the instant insurance contract, the Defendant received insurance proceeds totaling KRW 75,924,814 from the Plaintiff according to the instant insurance contract.

Insurance proceeds received by the defendant from insurance companies other than the plaintiff shall be 18,216.