(영문) 창원지방법원 진주지원 2017.06.14 2016고단1049



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than five months.


Punishment of the crime

1. The Defendant may impose money on the Victim C by having the victim engage in the reduction of the decline at an influenced place on April 2013, 2013, at an influent place below the time of the influence.

D An agreement was made by the person D to purchase the 80,000 foot crym crym crym crym crym crym cryms.

If 50,000,000 won is lent, the machinery shall be purchased and offered as security, and interest shall be paid by 20% per annum on October 10, 201 and the principal shall be paid until October 2013.

“A false representation was made.”

However, the fact is that E, the Defendant’s will to buy the above machinery from the needy person at KRW 65,00,000,000. The Defendant, even if he received the money from the injured person due to the lack of certain income or special property at the time, may not procure the remainder amount of KRW 15,00,000,000. Thus, the Defendant purchased the above machinery and thus did not have the intent or ability to offer it as security for transfer to the injured person, or to pay the principal and interest.

On April 10, 2013, the Defendant, by deceiving the victim, received 50,000,000 won from the post office account under the name of the Defendant for the purpose of borrowing money from the victim.

2. On April 11, 2013, the Defendant forged private documents: (a) stated the Defendant’s home located in Jinju-si, F, that “the mechanical sales contract” was “the mechanical sales contract” in blank; (b) stated the seller’s name name Purler, the purchase price of KRW 80,000,000; and (c) the seller’s name GD in Hanam-gun, and the buyer Jin-si FA in Jin-nam-si; and (d) arbitrarily marked the flash of D’s name in advance on the back of D name.

As a result, the Defendant, for the purpose of uttering, committed a clause on a mechanical transaction contract in the name of D, which is a private document related to rights and obligations.

3. On the same day as paragraph 2, the Defendant, at the time of Jinju-dong, has completed one copy of the forged mechanical sale contract to the said C, who is aware of the forgery at the office of the law firm Seo-dong, Jung-dong.