(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.06.19 2014고단2736




A Imprisonment of one year and a fine of 10,000,000 won, Defendant B of a fine of 2,00,000 won, Defendant C of a fine of 2,00,000 won;


Punishment of the crime

1. No person other than a pharmacy founder who violates the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act may sell medicines;

Nevertheless, according to the direction of the J on his name, the Defendants decided to sell an advance donation treatment product, such as fake B, etc., and Defendant A, in managing K, an Internet set up an order for the delivery of goods after consulting with the customers of the purchase request. Defendant D, the overall control over the delivery of goods, Defendant B, and Defendant C, respectively, shared the delivery of goods and the withdrawal of profits.

Accordingly, on February 27, 2014, Defendant A received KRW 69,000 from L to M’s account (Account Number: N) in the name of M, which requested the purchase of an advance donation treatment product through the packaging, and Defendant D, Defendant B, and Defendant C transferred the above L’s domicile to Defendant D. On the same day, Defendant D, Defendant B, and Defendant C stored in the Dong-guO in Daejeon-gu Daejeon-gu, Daejeon-gu, in the package, the package of the fake B B, the fake Siceleececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececececele

In addition, the Defendants conspired to sell an amount equivalent to KRW 1,16,760,700 from December 1, 2013 to April 22, 2014, such as the list of crimes in the attached list of crimes.

2. No person who violates the Trademark Act shall possess goods identical or similar to designated goods bearing another person's registered trademark without the right to use such trademark for the purpose of transferring or delivering them;

Nevertheless, as described in the above 1. Paragraph (1), the Defendants conspired to sell a fake car with the trademark “VGR” registered under the registration number No. 0387168 and the registration number No. 05476, which had been registered under the registration number No. 038716, by sharing roles as indicated in the above 1.1. The Defendants agreed to sell a fake car with the trademark on which the trademark “VGR” was attached.

Accordingly, it.
