(영문) 의정부지방법원고양지원 2015.12.04 2015가합73555



1. The Defendant: 13,590,311 won to Plaintiff A, 5,00,000 won to Plaintiff B, and 2,00,000,000 won to Plaintiff C and each of the said money.


1. Basic facts

A. The Defendant is a doctor who administered the Plaintiff A on May 28, 2013, the president of the F Hospital located in the Yongsan-gu, Yongsan-gu, Busan. The Plaintiff B is the wife of the Plaintiff, and the Plaintiff C is the children of Plaintiff A.

나. 원고 A은 2012. 12.경 눈길을 걷다가 허리를 삐끗한 이후 요통 및 하지방사통 등의 증상이 발생하여 주소지 인근 정형외과 및 한의원에서 보존적 치료(재활치료, 침, 경구약 복용 등)를 하였음에도 증상이 호전되지 않았다.

Accordingly, the non-party G Hospital was subject to the self-official image equipment (MRI) test at the top level. On January 14, 2013, the escape of protruding signboards and protruding signboards at the center of the left side of the 5th and the 1st century were confirmed, and symptoms were temporarily shown.

C. Since May 2, 2013, Plaintiff A, who received treatment after being admitted to Nonparty Seoul National University Hospital on May 20, 2013, provided that it would be considered that Plaintiff A would take into account the fact that he/she would receive conical sprinking of conical signboards through an ex post facto refluencer, in cases where symptoms of Plaintiff A are serious from a spatary outdoor sphere who provided medical treatment and H professor who provided medical treatment at the time. At the time, Plaintiff A did not have any particular impediment to the spherical sphere.


On May 27, 2013, A submitted to the F Hospital operated by the Defendant, and complained of buckbucks (the rear side) symptoms in the bucks and the right congested area, and was inspected by the self-official image equipment (MRI) on the essential side. Likewise, as in the case of 4 through 5th in the thalle-centered protruding signboards and the central conical protruding up of 5 to the right side of the 5th century, the verte inverte in the vertebox was confirmed, and was hospitalized in F Hospital on the same day, and on May 28, 2013, the next day was hospitalized by the Defendant on May 28, 2013.

E. From the date of the instant treatment, Plaintiff A is showing difficulties in urology.