(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.11.15 2018가합511411

분양대금 반환등 청구


1. The plaintiffs' primary claims are dismissed.

2. The defendant

A. The plaintiffs except the plaintiffs P and Q are the plaintiffs.


1. Basic facts

A. The defendant, who is a stock company, is a stock company W (hereinafter referred to as "W").

) 5 lots, such as Seopopo City X large 781m2 (hereinafter “instant site”) between the two:

(2) The business of developing, building, and selling “Y hotel” (hereinafter “instant hotel”) (hereinafter “instant business”).

(1) The hotel operator of this case, which entered into a management-type land trust agreement, is the executor of the hotel. The Z Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Z”).

(2) The Plaintiffs concluded a sales contract for some guest rooms among the instant hotels with Defendant V.

B. Each sales contract and its contents 1) The plaintiffs concluded with the plaintiffs and the defendant each sales contract (hereinafter "each sales contract of this case") as shown in the attached Table 2 with the defendant, and the divided portion of the hotel of this case that the plaintiffs purchased according to each sales contract of this case shall be "each unit of the hotel of this case".

(2) Each of the instant sales contracts was signed by the Defendant as “A” and “B,” and “B,” respectively, signed and sealed the Z as “B” and “B,” respectively, and the part relating to the instant case as indicated below.

The scheduled date of use: During March 2016, 2016 (the date of approval for use and the designated date of use shall be the date of subsequent notification, and even if the buildings for sale are altered by the process, the date expected to obtain approval for use : The date on which the buildings for sale in units are expected to obtain approval for use - the date on which the "A" was notified after obtaining approval for use - the date on which the "A" was notified within one month from the date on which the buildings for sale in units were actually approved for use - the remaining payment date: the date on which the "A" was notified within one month from the date following the "date of approval for use" to the "date on which the designation for use" was made