(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2019.06.14 2019고단924




A Imprisonment with prison labor for ten months and for eight months, respectively.

, however, for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The telephone financial fraud organization of the 2019 Highest 924 (hereinafter “Sscaming organization”) is a criminal organization that takes money from many unspecified victims by deceiving the public prosecutor, financial institutions, etc. by misrepresenting them. It is operated in the form of an organization that takes part in each of the roles, such as taking part in telephone to unspecified victims, taking part in a call center, delivering money deposited in the passbook to an unspecified number of victims, taking part in the role of withdrawing and delivering the money deposited in the passbook to an unspecified number of victims.


A around August 1, 2018, upon receipt of a proposal from an employee of Bosing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phishing phish


AG withdrawn the money deposited from an account under its own name from a singishing employee, and listens to the speech that it is possible to grant a loan from the credit rating on the singishing employee, and accordingly, took charge of withdrawing the money deposited into the account under the direction of the above singishing employee, and then delivering it to the Defendant A.

However, on September 10, 2018, Defendant AG made a false statement as if there was no request for the opening of a passbook for the purpose of lending, etc. Defendant AG made a false statement. Although the purpose of cash withdrawal at the active branch of AH is not the deposit money, Defendant AG made a false statement as if it were the deposit money, Defendant AG made a false statement as to the amount deposited in Defendant’s account, such as making a false statement as “the deposit money is borrowed, and the victim AI’s money is false,” and Defendant AG’s employee can be said to be the amount of damage caused by the fraud.