(영문) 창원지방법원 밀양지원 2018.01.23 2016가단747



1. The defendants are the defendants as stated in the attached Table 2 with respect to the real estate stated in the attached Table 1 list to the plaintiff.


1. The Plaintiff’s display of the claim continued to occupy the real estate indicated in the separate sheet No. 1 as an intention to possess the real estate jointly and openly from September 1995. Thus, the Plaintiff’s acquisition by prescription on the said real estate was completed on September 31, 2015.

Therefore, the Defendants, the present owners of the real estate, should implement the procedure for ownership transfer registration on September 31, 2015 with respect to the said real estate to the Plaintiff.

2. Applicable legal provisions;

A. As to the AI, which is the taking-off of the litigation of Defendant B, C, E, F, G, H, M and network AF: Judgment by service (Article 208(3)3 of the Civil Procedure Act);

B. The above A.

The remainder of the defendants except the defendants mentioned in paragraph (3) shall be decided by a confession made by non-appearance (Article 208 (3) 2 of the Civil Procedure Act and the main sentence of Article 150 (3) of the Civil Procedure Act).