(영문) 창원지방법원 진주지원 2016.09.28 2016고단345



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

The defendant shall be 50,00 won by fraud to the applicant C, and the applicant D shall be compensated.


Punishment of the crime

[2016 Highest 345] The Defendant, having access to the Internet NAVV on January 2, 2016, purchased 5 gallones, posted by the victim I.m.

“To report the writing “” and contact the victim in advance and send the gallon 5-wallon photographs, etc., which are displayed on the Internet, and “5 gallon jum jum jum 5.”

When transferring money to the account, it is intended to send the goods to the high-speed bus service on the same day.

The phrase “ makes a false statement.”

However, even if the defendant receives the price of goods from the injured party, he did not have the intention or ability to sell 5 mobile phones to the injured party.

After all, the Defendant, as such, by deceiving the victim and receiving KRW 500,000 from the national bank account under the name of the Defendant for the same day as the price for the goods, received a total of KRW 15,672,00 through 44 times as shown in the List of Crimes 1.

[2016 Highest 359] On March 8, 2016, the Defendant reported the Defendant’s house located in the JJ of J of J of J of J of J of J of J of J of J of J of J of J of J of J of the Internet, and contacted the victim with the Defendant that the victim would purchase Nompt, and sold Nompt North Korea by first remitting KRW 170,000 to the Defendant.

The phrase “ makes a false statement.”

However, even if the defendant receives the price of goods from the injured party, he did not have the intention or ability to sell the Nowon-gu.

In the end, the Defendant deceivings the victim as such, and received 170,000 won from the injured party under the name of the Defendant as the price for the goods on the same day.

[2016 Highest 771] On March 24, 2016, the Defendant reported the Defendant’s home located in the JJ on March 24, 2016, and posted a notice to the Defendant that the Victim K would purchase the Internet NAV with access to the Internet NAV and the foreign car page, and contacted the Defendant to send money to the account by first sending it to the account and sending it to the Defendant.

The phrase “ makes a false statement.”
