(영문) 청주지방법원 2013.07.05 2012노1137



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. The summary of the grounds for appeal is that the defendant brought about a dispute with the victim as a result of moving his/her place of meals at a restaurant operated by the victim, but there was no fact at the time of the victim, and rather was assaulted unilaterally by the victim and his/her employees.

2. According to the evidence duly examined and adopted by the lower court, the following circumstances are acknowledged.

A. At the time of the investigation by the police, the victim stated consistently at the court of the court below that “the defendant continued to be able to respond to the situation within the restaurant, and that the defendant was flickly flickly flickly flickly flickly flickly flickly flicked on the floor, and that Flicked flickly flickly flickly flicked on the floor. Therefore, the victim flickly flicked himself at the agricultural parking lot.” The victim flickd the victim’s body and flick flickly flickly flickly flickly flicked the victim’s face while flickly flicked the victim’s body and flickly flicked the victim’s face outside the restaurant, and the victim flicked the victim’s body and the victim’s flick.”