(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2016.02.18 2015가합101823



1. The Defendants are jointly and severally liable to the Plaintiff for KRW 760,000,000 and KRW 520,000 among them, from April 1, 2013 to 120.


1. Indication of claim;

가. 당사자들의 관계 피고 주식회사 B(이하 ‘피고 회사’라 한다)는 보일러(목질펠렛, 왕겨) 제조 및 도소매업 등을 주된 목적으로 하는 회사이고, 피고 C은 피고 회사의 대표이사이고, 피고 D은 피고 C의 형이자 피고 회사의 이사이다.

The plaintiff is a person who has invested KRW 400 million in the defendant company under the joint and several sureties of the defendant C and D.

나. 이 사건 투자의 경위 1) 피고 C은 2012. 4.경 원고에게 ‘피고 회사의 보일러는 펠렛, 왕겨 등의 천연재료를 사용하는 것으로 사업전망이 매우 우수하다’며 4억 원의 투자를 권유하였다. 2) 이에 원고는 2012. 4. 4. 피고들과 사이에 아래 표 기재와 같은 투자계약을 체결하고(이하 ‘이 사건 계약’이라 한다), 2012. 6. 20. 이를 공증 받았다

(The purpose of Article 1 (Purpose) of the Gender Equality General Law Firm, etc. (No. 970) is to provide for all the matters necessary for the Plaintiff to invest in the Defendant Company in the form of allocating new shares of the Defendant Company to the Plaintiff and acquiring them by the Plaintiff.

Article 2 (Subscription to New Stocks) ① Within three days after the conclusion of this Agreement, the Defendant Company shall adopt a resolution to increase new shares with a face value of KRW 1,250 per share with a face value of KRW 10,000 per share of KRW 320,00,000, and distribute the amount of the Plaintiff’s acquisition to the Plaintiff.

Article 9 (Cancellation and Termination) (1) In the event that any of the following causes occurs to the defendant company or the plaintiff, the defendant company or the plaintiff may cancel or terminate the contract by giving written notice to the other party:

1. Where the other party violates any provision of this contract or any separately concluded agreement under this contract and fails to correct the violation within seven days after the written request for correction is made, without justifiable grounds;

2. Decisions on preservative measures and compulsory execution against principal or other parties with respect to major properties;