(영문) 서울행정법원 2016.4.8.자 2016아10514 결정



2016 Abia 10514 Suspension of Execution


Co. Ltd.*


The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Date of decision

April 8, 2016


1. On March 28, 2016, a disposition to revoke the designation of a travel agent exclusively in charge of attracting Chinese organization tourists against an applicant on March 28, 2016 shall suspend its validity until the 15th day from the date of sentencing in the case No. 2016Guhap5857 of this Court.

2. The applicant's remaining requests are dismissed.


According to the explanatory materials submitted by the applicant, it is recognized that there is an urgent need to prevent irrecoverable damage caused to the applicant due to the validity of the disposition stated in the order, and there is no other data that can be deemed to have a significant impact on the public welfare due to the suspension of validity of the above disposition. Thus, the application in this case shall be partially accepted, and it shall be determined


Judges Park Sang-ok

Judges Park Gi-ju

Judge Lee Jin-hee