(영문) 수원지방법원 2017.08.10 2017고단3142



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal records] On February 17, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to ten months of imprisonment due to fraud, etc. at the Suwon Friwon, and the execution of the sentence was completed on October 22 of the same year at the Gisung Vocational Training Correctional Institution.

[Criminal facts] 2017 Highest 3142

1. On April 24, 2017, at around 19:20, the Defendant: (a) committed a crime as if the Defendant would pay the price despite the absence of the intent or ability to pay the price; and (b) ordered the victim to be provided with the victim with the 1st week and the 19,000 won total of the market price from the injured party; and (c) acquired the victim with the 19,000 won alcohol and food.

"2017 Highest 3898"

2. On June 8, 2017, the Defendant: (a) at the “G” restaurant operated by the Victim F in Suwon-si, Suwon-si, Suwon-si; (b) despite the absence of the intent or ability to pay the drinking value, etc., the Defendant was engaged in as if he would normally pay the drinking value, etc.; and (c) ordered Ha employees of the above restaurant to provide Ha with a 1st century with a 1st century in total amount of KRW 10,000,000 from the above H.

Accordingly, the defendant was given property to the victim by deceiving the victim.

3. The Defendant from around 20:49 on June 8, 2017 to the same month;

9. From 02:05 to 02, at the “K” restaurant operated by the victim J of the victim J in Suwon-gu, Suwon-si, even though the victim did not have the intent or ability to pay the drinking value, etc., the fact was done as if it would normally pay it. The victim ordered alcohol and food to the victim, and the victim was provided with 200 won in total and 11,000 won in the market value from the victim.

Accordingly, the defendant was given property to the victim by deceiving the victim.

Summary of Evidence

[2017 Highest 3142]

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. Written statements of D;

1. A receipt for damage;

1. A report on investigation (teleline Investigation) (2017 order 3898);

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. Each statement of H and J;

1. References (on-site photographs, receipts, i.e. requests for a trial).