(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2017.09.28 2017고단2713



The punishment of a defendant shall be two years and six months, and a fine of 1,000,000 won.

If a fine is to be paid, it shall be done in a workhouse for 10 days.


Punishment of the crime

"2017 Highest 2713"

1. When operating online shopping mall, the Defendant, in violation of the Trademark Act, issued an order from consumers to put in place another order to a person with no name (one name D) in China, and intended to sell counterfeit goods by ordering the person with no name to sell them directly to consumers.

On June 3, 2016, the Defendant sold to G, via the online shopping mall (F) website operated by the Defendant, “Adis Skis Skiki II”, “Adis Adis Adis Adis Adis Adis Adis Adis Adisa” and “Adisagesmba” that is identical or similar to “adis” registered with the Korean Intellectual Property Office No. 40-012381, by the said method.

The Defendant, in addition to this, from the time to June 12, 2017, operated online shopping mall E-site (F), H site (I), and J site (K) on a total of 1,103 occasions as shown in the attached crime list, including ① the trademark holder’s “adidas (No. 40-0123811 of the trademark registration number No. 40-01), ② the trademark holder’s “a trademark registration number of 40-0762637 of the trademark registration number”), ③ the trademark holder’s “40-30-4 of the trademark holder’s trademark registration number of 40-2 of the trademark holder’s trademark registration number of 30-4 of the trademark holder’s trademark registration number of 40-3 of the trademark holder’s trademark registration number of 40-3 of the trademark holder’s trademark registration number.”

E. “E.” registered under the trademark “S.” sold to consumers a fake trademark flock bearing a trademark identical or similar to “lurma’s animal pattern (trademark No. 40-003400),” which is identical or similar to “lurma’s pattern.
