(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2012.11.02 2012고단291



Defendants are not guilty.


1. Defendant A, a former operator of G and a shareholder of the instant facts charged, was a person who transferred (State)’s shares and shares in (State) in Seoul and the ownership and lien of (State) in (State) H on July 18, 2007, and received any balance on September 4, 2007 and did not have any right to (State)G, and Defendant B was a person who was the owner of A and did not have any relation to (State)G on this case.

On August 12, 2010, the Defendants, together with the Defendants, completed the ownership transfer registration for the shares of (ju)G for the said I building on August 12, 2010, which was due to sale and purchase on August 10, 2010, as the president of the general meeting of shareholders of (ju), Defendant A, as the president of the general meeting of shareholders of (ju), Defendant B, as the in-house director of (ju)G, respectively, prepared the minutes of the temporary general meeting of shareholders of (ju), the decision on the relocation of the principal office, and the seal registration report, and

(1) At around 10:00 on January 5, 201, the Defendants prepared the minutes of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, stating in the minutes of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders at the office of Defendant B located in K301 in Jung-gu Seoul, Jung-gu, Seoul, the following persons were elected as directors, stating in the minutes of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders that “The case of continuing the company: the case of continuing the company; the Speaker has dissolved on August 27, 2010, but it is necessary to continue the company under the circumstances of the company's business; but the copy thereof is explained that the continuation of the company is approved as a full-time resolution that the company will continue its business without any objection by all members; and “The case of appointment of officers: the case of appointment of officers; the Speaker tried to elect a new officer accompanied by the continuation of the company; and the following persons were elected from the director: B; the above person who consented to his appointment at his seat, i.e., the Speaker A, and the name and seal of Defendant B.

As a result, the Defendants conspired to make a copy of the minutes of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, which is a private document concerning rights and obligations, with the purpose of exercising the rights.