(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2020.05.20 2019가단261811

손해배상 약정금


1. The defendant shall pay 45,00,000 won to the plaintiff and 12% per annum from April 15, 2020 to the day of complete payment.


1. Indication of claims: To be as shown in the grounds for claims in attached Form;

However, “creditor” is deemed to be “Plaintiff” and “debtor” to be “Defendant”.


A sub-agent of a lawsuit has been reduced to 45,00,000 won and 12% per annum from the day after the delivery of the original copy of the payment order to the day of complete payment on the date of the first pleading.

2. Judgment by public notice (Article 208(3)3 of the Civil Procedure Act).