(영문) 울산지방법원 2013.08.08 2013고단1849




A Imprisonment for eight months and fines of ten thousand won, and Defendant B for ten months and fines of ten thousand won, and Defendant B for a fine of ten thousand won, and Defendant B.


Punishment of the crime


A has installed three farms in Yangsan-si G, and raised approximately 8,800 pigs with the trade name of “H”, and supplied them to “Defendant D Co., Ltd.” (hereinafter “Defendant Co., Ltd.”) after slaughtering them as slaughterhouses.


B is the representative director of the Defendant Company as the type of Defendant A. On December 26, 2008, the Defendant Company established the production, shipment, processing, sale, export, distribution, transportation business, etc. of pigs in Yangsan City as its business purpose and supplied it to the restaurant, etc.

Meanwhile, Defendant C is a person working as a farm owner in charge of raising pigs, management of human body, etc. in the above “H”.

1. The slaughter and treatment of livestock, milk collection, and processing, packaging and storage of livestock products shall be performed at a permitted place of work;

Nevertheless, the Defendants were slaughtered in H farms without obtaining permission from the competent authorities to slaughter and dispose of livestock, and Defendant B brought the pigs slaughtered and disposed of without a mark of inspection by the inspector, etc., to Defendant B, who died of the cause unclaimed disease, etc. during raising at H operated by Defendant A, or caused dead pigs (one life chilling, etc.).

피고인들은 2013. 3. 1.경 위 H 농장에서 사육중인 약 120kg의 암퇘지가 불상의 질병으로 죽자 피고인 A는 피고인 C에게 죽은 돼지를 도축할 것을 지시하고, 피고인 C은 위 H 1동 돈사 앞 시멘트 바닥에서 위 농장의 외국인 종업원, 피고인 B와 함께 칼 등을 이용하여 돼지의 내장, 머리를 제거하는 등 가축을 처리하였다.

In addition, the Defendants conspired from April 1, 2010 to March 13, 2013.