(영문) 대전지방법원 2015.08.20 2015나3035



1. The plaintiff's appeal is dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal shall be borne by the Plaintiff.

Purport of claim and appeal

a judgment of the first instance.


1. The Plaintiff’s assertion and determination were entrusted with the rooftop waterproof construction and outer wall cover of D apartment in which the Plaintiff and the Defendant reside with the construction business operator C, and the Defendant interfered with the above rooftop waterproof construction by preventing construction workers from going on three occasions on the roof, on July 20, 2013; and accordingly, the Defendant is obliged to compensate the Plaintiff for KRW 2,002,40,000, such as compensation for damages incurred by the Plaintiff.

On the other hand, the plaintiff's assertion is without merit, and there is no other evidence to acknowledge it in light of the evidence Nos. 6, 7, and 8, which seems that the defendant committed an illegal act as alleged by the plaintiff, in light of the respective statements Nos. 8 and 9.

2. In conclusion, the plaintiff's claim of this case is dismissed as it is without merit. The judgment of the court of first instance is just in conclusion, and the plaintiff's appeal is dismissed as it is without merit. It is so decided as per Disposition.