(영문) 부산지방법원 2014.12.05 2014고합530




A shall be punished by imprisonment for four years, and imprisonment for two years and six months, respectively.

However, as to Defendant B, this shall not apply.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Power] Defendant A was sentenced to six months of imprisonment with prison labor for an injury at the Gwangju District Court on August 20, 2009, and the execution of the sentence was terminated on January 6, 2010.

【Criminal Facts】

1. At around 20:00 on November 2, 201, the Defendants conspired to take money and valuables against the players at the house of Defendant E located in the Busan Seo-gu, Busan, and around that time, the Defendants returned to the same Gu Seopodong Dong-dong, such as the Busan, Seopodong-dong, etc. in order to ask the victims. At around 02:15 on the following day, the Defendants discovered the victim G (V, 53 years of age) who would be mixed in the alley road located in the Busan Seopo-gu, Busan.

Then, Defendant B reported the network at the entrance of the above alley, Defendant A, following the victim’s back to the floor, led the victim to suppress the victim’s resistance, such as cutting down the victim’s neck by hand, etc., and then, Defendant B carried 80,000 won in cash owned by the victim, one resident registration certificate, three credit cards, and one cellular phone operator with an amount of 60,000 won in total, and one bank, etc., with the market value of 680,000 won in total.

Accordingly, the Defendants jointly taken the victim's property by force.

2. On November 7, 2011, Defendant A discovered that the victim J (58 years of age) was mixed in the parking lot near the Ha’s “I” restaurant located in Busan-dong, Busan-dong, and found the victim’s head by means of the method described in paragraph (1) above, and led the victim’s resistance, such as 40,000 won in cash, NABC card 1, NAC card 1, 200, and 200,000 won in market value, such as 1, etc., one transportation card, and 200,000 won in market value.

In this respect, the defendant took the victim's property by taking the victim's property, and the victim's number of days of treatment is open to the head's body where the victim cannot be identified.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant A’s legal statement

1. A’s legal statement;