1. Defendant Hyundai Marine Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. shall pay to the Plaintiff KRW 170,433,778 and KRW 70,433,778 among them.
1. Basic facts
A. On November 18, 2013, the Plaintiff driven a B Lone Star Corex Corresponding (hereinafter “Plaintiff’s vehicle”) on the part of the Cheongyang-gun, Chungcheongnamyang-Yyangyang-Yyang-Yyang-Yyang-Yyang-Yyang-Yyang-In the outer side of the main body of the vehicle, while driving the outer side of the vehicle toward the Cheongyang-Yyang-Yyang-Yyang-In the middle of the two-lane as the driver’s negligence, the Plaintiff stopped along the two-lane and the side of the two-lane and stopped in the reverse direction.
(hereinafter referred to as “the primary accident”) and the place of the accident is referred to as “the place of the accident”. B
After the first accident, C was in preparation for towing by driving a D towing vehicle ( Ma3 vehicles of the picture, hereinafter referred to as "stringing vehicle") and driving the towing vehicle at the location of the accident in this case, after having arrived at the location of the accident in this case, connecting the plaintiff vehicle with towing device while stopping the towing vehicle from two lanes to the reverse direction.
다. E는 2013. 11. 18 07:28경 F 코란도 승용차(그림의 #1 차량, 이하 ‘코란도 차량’이라고 한다)를 운전하여 진행하다가 이 사건 사고 장소 부근에서 미끄러지면서 코란도 차량 앞부분으로 견인 차량 앞부분과 가드레일을 들이받았는데, 그 부근에 서 있던 원고가 그 충격으로 넘어지면서 원고 머리 부위가 원고 차량 운전석 뒷바퀴와 약 30cm 높이의 콘크리트 연석 사이에 끼게 되었고, 견인 차량 운전자 C은 가드레일 바깥으로 튕겨져 나갔다
(hereinafter referred to as “second accident”). D.
After about 3 minutes of the second accident, G is driving a H-to-pur vehicle (referred to as Ma2 vehicles of the picture, hereinafter referred to as 'A-to-purd vehicle'), while getting out in the vicinity of the accident site, which led to the collision between the front part of the towing vehicle and the column of the vehicle re-convening the right side of the vehicle.
The third accident is called ‘the third accident'.
E. The Plaintiff suffered serious injury on cerebrovascular, etc. accompanied by the spathy, etc.
F. The location of the instant accident is an expressway.