(영문) 전주지방법원 2016.06.02 2015구합87



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Details of the disposition;

A. Since the Plaintiff was newly appointed as a teacher at the middle and high school located in Jeollabuk-do on May 29, 1978, the Plaintiff served as a teacher at the middle and high school located in Jeollabuk-do and as a teacher from March 1, 2013 to B high school.

B. On May 20, 2014, the Defendant requested the General Disciplinary Committee on Public Educational Officials in Jeollabuk-do to adopt a heavy disciplinary resolution against the Plaintiff due to the grounds for disciplinary action as set forth below. On May 23, 2014, the Defendant removed the Plaintiff from office.

(이하 ‘이 사건 직위해제처분’이라 한다). ▣ 징계사유(이하 ‘이 사건 징계사유’라 한다)

1. With respect to the negligence and negligence of attending classes, the Plaintiff neglected or neglected to teach students on several occasions by observing the Elementary and Secondary School Curriculum (Public Notice No. 2012-31 of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology) (Public Notice No. 2012-31) and neglecting or neglecting his/her duties, such as not entering classes over several times, or not entering classes again after going out of classes during classes, thereby infringing on the right of cooking science and students to learn (violation of duty of good faith). - The Plaintiff neglected or neglected to enter classes at least two times in cooking science in 2013 and first half classes (computers, human development, food and nutrition) in the first grade classes (computers, general, human development, and nutrition) or not entering classes over several times, etc.


In the year of 2013, no school shall enter classes at least two times from the second examination to the school day of each semester, and from the wintering school to the end of each school year (the grounds of disciplinary action 1).

From the middle of the first semester of 2013, students shall be instructed to organize printed articles, etc. during several classes, take part in the class or take part in the class, take part in the self-learning on the ground of problem withdrawal system before the examination, or take part in the class even after the examination is completed (the grounds for disciplinary action 2).

It shall be out of classrooms for telephone communications, etc. at several times in 2013.