(영문) 대전지방법원 2018.09.05 2018고단1114




A, C, E, F, and G Imprisonment for a year and six months, Defendant B, D, H, I, and J respectively, and Defendant K for three years.


Punishment of the crime

Defendant A is a person who is the person in charge of the office of the Chinese head office in the Internet gambling site, including “L (M),” Defendant B was a person who was a member of the Chinese head office in the Chinese gambling site, Defendant C was a member of the Internet gambling site’s operator’s interest, Defendant C was a member of the Chinese head office in the past Lbling site, Defendant C was a former member of the Chinese head office in the past Lbling site, and Defendant D was a person who was an employee of each of the headquarters in the Internet gambling site, “N” and “P”.

[L] The general manager Defendant K, Q, and R opened a “L (M)” similar to the Sctop site that issued online sports promotion voting rights in early 2009 through 2010, and completed the preparation for opening gambling sites, such as renting a server necessary for the operation of the website in Japan and registering a large number of domain names in foreign countries, etc. In order to avoid tracking the investigation agency, the office of gambling site operation was changed to “T apartment U U, located in the Republic of Korea and China where the Republic of China is located in the Republic of China and China.” The above office of gambling site operation was leased to the office of gambling site operation to the “Korea-Sctop apartment U, Sc to the Republic of China, and is equipped with necessary equipment.” The head office of China takes charge of the business of cyber gambling, such as the management of earnings and employees, the management of the headquarters and crime, the selection of members, the management of the head office, the management of the members, including Defendant B, H, EV, and Y, the office of its head office of G.

[P concerning the scale and solicitation of crimes by gambling sites].