(영문) 광주지방법원목포지원 2016.02.03 2015가단9798

건물인도 등


1. The defendant shall be the plaintiff.

(a) deliver the buildings listed in the separate sheet;

B. From October 5, 2015, KRW 3.5 million and the foregoing.


Comprehensively taking account of the purport of the entire pleadings, evidence Nos. 1 and 2, the Plaintiff sent to the Defendant, on November 22, 2014, a certificate of the purport that the building in the attached list owned by the Plaintiff (hereinafter “instant apartment”) was leased as KRW 3 million, KRW 350,000,000, KRW 3500,000, KRW 5500,000, KRW 5500,000, and the period from December 5, 2014 to December 5, 2015, and was delivered the said apartment to the Defendant around that time. However, as the Defendant was not paid at all, it can be acknowledged that the Plaintiff sent to the Defendant a certificate of the content that the said apartment contract was terminated on June 11, 2015, and that the said content was delivered to the Defendant

Thus, the above lease contract was terminated by the plaintiff's declaration of termination.

Therefore, the defendant is obligated to deliver the apartment of this case to the plaintiff and pay 3.5 million won (10 months from December 5, 2014 to September 5, 2015) with the overdue rent of 3.5 million won (10 million won from September 5, 2015) and the money calculated by the ratio of 3.5 million won per month from October 5, 2015 to the completion date of delivery of the apartment.

Therefore, the plaintiff's claim is justified, and it is so decided as per Disposition.