(영문) 창원지방법원 거창지원 2020.03.18 2019고단327




A and B Imprisonment for six months, and Defendant C shall be punished by a fine of two thousand won, respectively.


C The above fine.


Punishment of the crime


A and the defendant B are simplified, and the defendant C is the friendship of the defendant A.

1. Defendant A around 03:20 on July 14, 2019, around 03:6 p.m., operated by the Victim E in Chang-gun, Chang-gun, Chungcheongnam-gun, and the two f.m., under the influence of alcohol, the two f.m. and the two f.s., the two f.s. and the two f.s., the two f.s. and the two f.s., the two

Accordingly, the defendant damaged the property in the market price that is not owned by the victim.

2. Defendant B’s damage to property was caused by Defendant B’s head in a glass cup while s/he had a conflict between A and alcohol at the time and place described in paragraph (1).

Accordingly, the defendant damaged the property in the market price that is not owned by the victim.

3. The Defendant damaged the property damage by Defendant C, at the time and place set forth in paragraph 1, and destroyed the Victim’s microphones, electric rails, and misunderstandings, which are on the victim’s tebbbs, carried the tebs with B, to the dispute between A and B.

Accordingly, the defendant damaged the property in the market price that is not owned by the victim.

4. Defendants A, B, and C interfered with the business of Defendants C were dissatisfied with each other at the time and place set forth in paragraph (1) and damaged the whistle, and subsequently, they were able to take a heavy bath for customers in the vicinity, and they interfered with the victim E’s bar business by avoiding disturbance and by force.

5. Defendants A and B’s obstruction of performance of official duties were arrested on July 14, 2019 as a flagrant offender suspected of causing property damage and interference with business affairs. Defendants B were arrested on the same day, around 03:55, and Defendant A went into the H district located in Gyeong-gun, Gyeongnam-gun, Gyeongnam, respectively.

After that, Defendant A, while under the influence of alcohol in the above H District, acted as if he would inflict a danger and injury on police officers. Defendant A’s hand to Defendant A in order to take a lock, Defendant B, who was next to the Defendant A, was able to take the hand of Defendant A, and Defendant B, who was next to the Defendant A, was able to take the hand of Defendant A once, and Defendant A was able to take the hand of Defendant A.