(영문) 인천지방법원 2015.10.28 2013고단4240 (1)



The Defendants are not guilty. The summary of the judgment is publicly announced.


Summary of the facts charged "2013 Highest 4240" (Defendant A)

1. The Defendant, with the knowledge of the fact that praises, rubber, publicity, and the fact that it may endanger the existence and security of the State or democratic fundamental order as set forth in the following subparagraphs, engaged in praises, rubber, propaganda, or assistance in the activities of anti-government organizations or members thereof.

① On January 21, 2008, the Defendant denied the legitimacy of the Republic of Korea by accepting North Korea’s historical view from members of the Incheon J (hereinafter “ IncheonJ”) at the above gathering. On March 21, 2008, the Defendant’s “I meeting” by asserting the destruction of the Korea-U.S. Union, the number of iron bars in the U.S., and the conclusion of peace agreements among its members, etc., and on February 18, 2008, the Defendant asserted at the above gathering that the U.S.J members of the Incheon J. 2 constituted “I meeting” against the members of the U.S. military during the above gathering as U.S. military propaganda organization, such as the destruction of the Korea-U.S. Union, the destruction of the UN-U.S. mutual defense treaty, the conclusion of the peace agreement, and the conclusion of the peace agreement among its members, and the Defendant asserted that the above members of the Korea-U.S. military assembly constituted an anti-government organization or its members’ non-government organization’s activities.