(영문) 울산지방법원 2019.07.11 2018나24363



1. The plaintiffs' appeals against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal are assessed against the Plaintiffs.


(b) be cancelled and terminated.

1. When it is determined that the plaintiffs' duties were suspended or resumed within 30 days because they interfere with the defendants' duties or delayed the payment of their remuneration.

2. When it is apparent that the performance of the duties of the Defendants under the contract is objectively impossible because the terms and conditions of the design requirement presented by the Plaintiffs are clearly modified;

3. Where the plaintiffs transfer the rights or obligations under the consent business of the other party;

4. Where the plaintiffs failed to provide data necessary to perform their duties and thus it becomes difficult for the defendants to perform their duties, the plaintiffs shall notify the defendants without delay in the event that the grounds for cancellation under each subparagraph of paragraph (1) arise.

(4) When the Defendants intend to cancel the contract pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1), they shall notify the Plaintiffs of their intention in advance not later than 14 days.

공사 도급 계약서 * 공사명 : 이 사건 주택공사 * 건축공법 : 경량목조주택 * 공사금액 : 금 일억팔천일백칠십만원(₩181,700,000) * 공사기간 : 약 3.5개월 - 착공 : 2017. 12. 5. - 완� : 2018. 3. 20. (천재지변 및 원고들과 피고들 상호 인정하는 특이사항 고려 15일 연장가능) * 공사 대금 지불 방법 1) 계약금 : 10% (18,170,000원) 2) 기초 및 골조공사 착수 1일 전 40% (72,680,000원) 3) 외장마감 착수 1일 전 : 20% (36,340,000원) 4) 내장마감 착수 1일 전 : 20% (36,340,000원) 5) 전체공사 완료 후 현장 철수시 : 10% (18,170,000원) 공사 도급 계약 조건 제2조(공사범위) 피고들은 평면도, 투시도 및 시공도면을 원고들에게 제공해야 하며 공사범위는 설계도, 시방서에 명시된 내용에 준한다. 단 설계도, 시방서상의 동일 공정상에 중복 의견 발생시 건축주 의견수렴을 우선으로 한다. 제6조(원고들의 공사중지 및 해약권

1. The Plaintiffs may suspend construction works or terminate the contract, depending on circumstances.